Friday, October 10, 2014

A Week in the Life: Friday, final update (Lydia's Grade Eight)

"Before the terrorism, I used to carry a heavy bag to school, and I used to learn every day, but I did not know how important education is until we were stopped, because I realized the terrorists are against education, and especially girls' education, because they are afraid of it." Malala Yousafzai, 2013 CBC interview

Plans for today (Still sketchy, but I will try to update as we go):

O Canada, because it's Friday

Current events: Nobel Peace Prize.  Recorded in the Calendar of Current Events.

Daughter of Time:  Finished!

Westward Ho! Chapter 15. Narrated orally.
Some time for finishing that big cleanup job, because we are gong to drop stuff at the thrift store this afternoon.

How to Read a Book, pages 117-120 Sentences vs. propositions

--------------------------------------------------------- (lunch)
Watched some of A Man for All Seasons.

Story of Mankind--chapter about Ancient Egypt.

Bible reading.

2 pages of grammar.

"Strength Training" (word exercise from The Roar on the Other Side)

(We are now halfway through the term, and Monday's a holiday.)

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